Frank Joseph

Interview with Jerry Pippin

Program Introduction

Recreation of the Ark of the Covenant

Frank Joseph is the Editor in Chief of Ancient American, a popular science magazine describing overseas visitors to our continent before Columbus.

Joseph is renowed for a series of books on ancient civilization. recent titles include Discovering the Mysteries of Ancient America and The Atlantis Encyclopedia, both published by New Page Books.

Co-author of his current book, Opening of the Ark of the Covenant, Laura Beaudoin is a direct descendent of the Crusader Kings, who ruled Jerusalem in the 12th and 13th Centuries. She is a former Los Angeles TV executive, who is now devoted to investigating her family history as related to the Ark. Laura and Frank live with their son Sammy in Colfax, Wisconsin.

to read a commentary on the
Ark of the Covenant by Frank Joseph.


Program Description

During this in depth look at the origin and history of the Ark of the Covenant, Frank Joseph details his decades long pursuit of the truth behind this fabled object. He found that the Ark, an ancient artifact possibly originating in Atlantis, had strange and mysterious properties. Joseph believes the Ark was originally designed to prevent earthquakes and later was used as a weapon.

This program covers the history of the Ark from the times of Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, its possession by the Jews as they fled Egypt and its subsequent disappearance during the reign of King David, and finally its possible Nazi ownership during World War II. Who may possess the Ark today?

Listen to the complete MP3 Version

64kb MP3 broadband Version
Post-Production by Jane Swartley
Photo: Illustration of Atlantis - origin of the Ark?


Part One WMA Version

32kb WMA dialup or broadband Version
Post-Production by Jane Swartley

Part One WMA Version

32kb WMA dialup or broadband Version
Post-Production by Jane Swartley

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