Paul Shishis

Paul Shishis has been experiencing contact with ETs and UFOs for some time in Canada. When we recorded this interview with him in the spring of 2005, he did not want to use his real name, so we called him Paul Michael. Since then he has decided to go public and now we are releasing this dramatic account of his encounters including a mysterious man and woman with strange tales to tell.
MP3 Running time: 32 minutes, 41 seconds

Windows Media Version

Paul also received confirmation that his close encounter in August 1977, has been published in a book by John Robert Colombo in 2004. See book and order below. The title of his story is, "Wheel of Colorful Lights," pages 122 -125. Paul says the original interview with the author was held in 1991.

CLICK HERE  to order True Canadian UFO Stories, by John Robert Colombo

Paul's story, "Wheel of Colorful Lights" begins on page 122.

Photo of UFO taken above Paul's house in 2005. The UFO appears as the small white dot in a clear blue sky, surrounded here by the red circle to make it easily visible. As this is a high resolution photo (1 MB), considerable enlargement of the UFO image is possible. The enlargement and enhancement shows a dark black object with three distinct bright white lights running across its center. The lights are emitting sources rather than representing sunlight reflecting off of a white or silver surface, as in the body of a plane, for example.

News from Paul
Contact Paul at

Paul's Bio

It is now time in my life to step forward to help bring awareness to the citizens of the world that indeed there are higher forces surrounding us all. I mainly stand for love and peace which has been missed for 1000's of years. There is indeed an alien presences amongst this planet and I feel it a duty to humanity in the sharing of truth and justice for free will of our birthright.

Our planet is in serious state of environmental collapse, as well as a human collective of hate and destruction through control. Unused knowledge is ignorance, and thus, the results stand before your eyes. My interviews with Jerry and the Scouter, Larry are the absolute truth, reflecting my observations and experiences, so help me GOD.

My name is Paul Michael Shishis. I am first generation Canadian, born on May 7,1959. I am an only child and first grandchild to both sides of my family. From age 4 to 1997, I have lived in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, and today travel there to my place of work, 90 kms, each day. The childhood setting was rural and very much less populated than it is today. I have parents who were immigrants from Northern Greece and Liverpool, England. My grandfather in England was a Mason, as his father was a Master Mason. My mother's sister went to school with Paul McCartney and I have traveled to the UK about 8 times from babyhood to age 13 in 1973, at which time, I attended school there, for about 4 months in New Brighton.

On my father's side, my grandfather's real family name is "Sissis." It was changed to "Shishis" in Canada. I have been told that my great grandfather was a powerful merchant in Egypt and a very big political figure. He had been assaulted by the opposition and robbed of his wealth, and he then returned to Greece. My Grandmother studied in Egypt until age 19,and learned 8 languages. There is a mix of Egyptian and Bulgarian from my father's parents. I was baptized Greek Orthodox and attended a Zion Church for Sunday school from age 6 to 12. I also prayed every night before going to bed. During my primary years at school, we did the Lords Prayer and the National Anthem, O!!!! Canada. My parents were and still are very loving and protective. At age 11, I found out what a murder was and cried with unsettling emotion.

To be continued........

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