Murder, Inc.: aka CIA, KGB, MI5


CIA Dirty Tricks- They Hurt and They Kill- In this program Jerry talks with H. P. Albarelli, Jr. about his true Thriller:  A Terrible Mistake - The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments. The conversation goes far beyond this incident from the cold war 50s, to what is happening today. The writer has spent ten years investigating in detail the hard dirty facts of the CIA’s history. This program explores 1950's Military and CIA Cold War Scientific and Medical experimentation in the fields of Mind Control, Psychological Operations, Interrogation, Torture, Psycho-Weaponry, Chemical and Biological Assassination and follows the trail that leads to the same activities still going on today. 
MP3 Running time: 1 hour, 3 seconds
Windows Media Version Part 1  -  Windows Media Version Part 2

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Video appears to be real and the murder of the photographer has been confirmed in the Polish Press- (April 24, 2010) We have arranged for a loose translation of this video from Russian and Polish to English. The translation is mostly from a man who does business in Poland and travels there several times a year, so his Polish skills are very fluent. He took the video and worked it almost frame by frame painstakingly checking and re-checking. We also are using some input from another person who lives in Poland now and verifies that the story of the photographer being stabbed, taken to the hospital and stabbed three more times there was reported in the local news in Poland. This man was on the scene as he lives near the Airport and arrived with his camera shortly after the crash. We have decided to feature a windows media version of the video so you can stop it and start it at will to see for yourself if our person's translation and observations make sense to you.

The Poles are convinced it was the Russians and probably the KGB who did this. We need to make note that due to the rocky history between Russia and Poland no one is very objective there; the questions remain, why did the Russians want the popular Polish President and his cabinet dead? We invite your ideas and information on this subject. I also suggest it might not have been the Russians, as I am still puzzled over the decision of President Obama to play golf with a photo-op after canceling efforts to attend the state funeral. A man so adept at the image doing this is certainly strange to say the least.
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Click for Translation, Below

Jane Burgermeister reporting from Warsaw Explanation of background and speculation on how the airplane was given false landing instructions by Air Traffic Controllers insuring that the plane would crash short of the runway.

Translation of the video- note from the translator- "I have attempted a translation of the transcript below, adding one or two of my own clarifications as well, which are in curly {} brackets."

00:12 słychac po polsku stanowczym tonem"uspokój sie"
00:12 One can hear in Polish in an assertive tone, "Calm down."
00:16 "patrz mu w oczy"
00:16 {In Polish,} "Look him in the eyes."
00:21 jeden jeszcze raz tym razem bardzie proszacym tonem "uspokój sie"
00:21 Once again, but this time in a more pleading tone, {in Polish,} "Calm down."
00:23 odgłos przeładowywanego pistoletu
00:23 The sound of a pistol being loaded.
00:23 pusty trzask jakby uderzenie(strzał pistoletu z tłumikiem) i potem chyba "ała";
00:23 An empty {dull?} whack, as if an impact (the shot of a pistol with a silencer) and afterwards likely, "ow."
00:27 "Niech pani"....(dalej nie zrozumiale)...koncówka "Kaczyńskich"
00:27 {In Polish,} "Ma'am, do/do not......(later unintelligible)........the Kaczynskis/of the Kaczynskis."
00:29 po polsku"idziesz(to znak by sygnał puscili "syrene"i zagłuszyli strzały,potem po rosyjsku przez krótkofalówke "zjob" bo zaraz rozlega sie dzwiek syreny!!)
00:29 In Polish, "You're going" (That was a sign to turn on the signal, a siren, and mute the shots. Then in Russian through a radio, "Zyob," because immediately the sound of the siren is heard.) {Possibly "Zyob" might sound like a garbled or colloquial form of "It's done" or "It's happening." Could the siren merely be a passing train? If so, perhaps they knew when it was due to come.}
00:31 cos niewyraznie po rosyjsku "chodjat"
00:31 Something unclearly in Russian, "Come on."
00:47 po rosyjsku "dawaj tuda paskuda" ;
00:47 In Russian, "Give it over here, skank." {A "playful" rhyming phrase, possibly spoken teasingly to a helper with a gun, or possibly spoken insultingly to one or more intended victims.}
00:50 "ubijaj tuda"
00:50 {In Russian,} "Be beating down {killing} over here."
00:51 po polsku :"Boże mój Boże"
00:51 In Polish, "God, my God." {Or, "God mine, God."}
00:53 TERAZ NIECH BÓG MI TO WYBACZY ALE TO GŁOS PREZYDENTA " co jest???"- ( ktoś zaśmiał sie)
00:53 Now may God forgive me for this, but it's the President's voice {in Polish,} "What's this??" (Someone laughed.) {I suppose one would have to electronically analyze the recording to verify whose voice this is. In any case, it is likely an intended victim.}
00:53 streljaj" ;
00:53 {In Russian,} "Shoot."
00:55 przeładowanie broni słychac
00:55 The loading of a weapon can be heard.
00:57 strzał ;
00:57 A shot.
01:00 autor filmu "ni chuja sybir"*
01:00 The author of the film {in Russian}, "No quarter, Siberic." {Rude wording in a Russian accent. Possibly sincere, but more likely only for the benefit of the nearby official seen a little later in the film guarding against closer approach to the action.}
01:06 strzał ;
01:06 A shot.
01:07 smiechy;
01:13 "ja wam dam wy chuje je***...(urywa sie,słychac strzał)!"
01:13 {In Polish,} "I will give it to you, you pricks fu {fu.....pricks}..........." (break in the sound, a shot is heard)
01:22 strzał
01:22 A shot
01:07 Laughter.
01:22 strzał
01:22 A shot
01:23 dziadek "a gdie wchodisz tu... kola"
01:23 A grandfather {old man,} {in Russian,} "And where are you coming in here........ {snooping} around?" {Probably not said by some old man, but rather by the nearby official, mentioned above at 01:00. He might naturally have muttered this to the author of the film as the author passed by him.}
01:23 autor filmu "ni huja siebie"*
01:23 The author of the film, "No quarter, myself." {This is a blatant misquotation. The author of the film can clearly be heard to say "No quarter, Siberic," like he said the first time. Again, he probably only repeated it for the benefit of the official he just passed.}

List of the dead as released from the President of Poland right after the crash-

Glance at some of those who died in plane crash

_ Lech Kaczynski, 60. Poland's president, a nationalist conservative who had been in office since 2005. A founder of the Law and Justice party, now in opposition, and the twin brother of its leader, former Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

_ Maria Kaczynska, 66, Poland's first lady; an economist and translator of English and French, had carried out charity work in her role as first lady. Her uncle was killed at Katyn.

_ Gen. Franciszek Gagor, 58. Army chief of staff since Feb. 2006. From 2004 to 2006, was Poland's representative at NATO in Brussels.

_ Gen. Andrzej Blasik, 47, head of the Air Force since 2007. Received professional military education in Montgomery, Alabama, in 2005.

_ Vice Admiral Andrzej Karweta, 51, Navy chief commander since November 2009. From 2002-2005 served at the Supreme Allied Command Atlantic, SACLANT in Norfolk, Virginia.

_ Gen. Tadeusz Buk, 49, land forces commander since Sept. 2009. Served in 2007 as commander of Polish troops in Iraq.

_ Slawomir Skrzypek, 46, president of the National Bank of Poland since 2007. A longtime colleague of Lech Kaczynski, served under him at Warsaw City Hall from 2002-5.

_ Aleksander Szczyglo, 46, head of the National Security Office, a former defense minister under Kaczynski's brother.

_ Jerzy Szmajdzinski, 58, a deputy parliament speaker, left-wing lawmaker and the opposition Democratic Left Alliance's candidate for presidential elections this year. Served as defense minister at the time of the Iraq war.

_ Ryszard Kaczorowski, 90, from 1989-90 Poland's last president-in-exile in London. In December 1990, passed on the insignia of the presidency to the first democratically elected president, Lech Walesa, in a high-profile ceremony.

_ Janusz Kurtyka, 49. A historian; since 2005 head of state-run National Remembrance Institute, which investigates communist-era crimes.

_ Anna Walentynowicz, 80, Solidarity activist. Her firing in August 1980 from the Lenin Shipyards in Gdansk sparked a workers' strike that spurred the eventual creation of the freedom movement, of which she became a prominent member.

_ Piotr Nurowski, 64, head of Poland's Olympic Committee.

_ Krystyna Bochenek, 56, deputy parliament speaker, member of the prime minister's Civic Platform party.


Parts of this story were contributed by Dennis Whitney and Carolyn Rose Goyda.